Thursday, March 5, 2015

KB Jones & The Kontraband

Recently I had the pleasure of spending the day photographing KB Jones & The Kontraband. Above are just a few of the shots we took. Not only are these four of the best guys you'll ever met, they're also four of the most talented and original. Whereas most MC's perform over a beat, KB performs with The Kontraband live behind him. Their band is the perfect blend of so many genres, such as hip hop, rock and pop. You can not put this band in a box and that's what I love most about them. They're also fun, so so so much fun! Seeing them live is proof of the raw talent they have and they never disappoint. Give them a listen by going to their website and/or facebook page! And be sure to check out their upcoming show to help feed NYC's homeless animals! March 28th at Pianos, 158 Ludlow St NYC 10002!  See you there!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

New Series of Self Portraits

2015 has already left me with really great feelings and we're only two months in. I have been getting my list together of things I would like to accomplish this year and pursuing photography further is a main one. I took photos of a band recently (blog post tomorrow) and they really inspired me to push. So the very next day I went and put myself in some debit for the best purchase I believe I have ever bought, a Canon 6D. I have needed a full frame, professional camera for way to long now but always put it off because I'm really "good" with my money and believed my Nikon 3000 dslr was okay. The truth is if you don't invest in yourself, no one will, so I went out and just did the damn thing! This is already my favorite camera I've ever picked up and clicked the shutter, and I don't even know all of the ins and outs yet. My phone has become my remote, showing me what the frame looks like before the shot is ever taken, giving me 10 seconds to move if needed and see what the final image looks like all without even moving. I obviously had to try this feature out, and these are the results. My first self portraits of 2015. 
People can write off self portraiture as narcissistic, but those are people who might not use the medium to not only create art, but as therapy. There is something really eye opening about capturing yourself in a moment. It's a way of figuring out just who you are and exploring different ways of expressing yourself. I started taking self portraits seven years ago, and have learned who I am inside and out with the help of that lens. Something I've also noticed personally is that I tend to take them in my darker moments. When I'm not feeling so positive or happy, I reach for my camera, turn it onto myself and work through those feelings through the lens. I suggest you try it! "The best camera is the one you have on you" so turn that iphone on to yourself and explore some paths you may have never known about!

Photos/Edits: Victoria Galvin